Metamask: Signature verification using web3js

by Admin

Check Metask signature Using Web3.JS: Troubleshoot

When using Web3.JS to sign transactions and check them in a smart contract, there may be problems to check your signature. This article will help you solve common problems that may occur when using Metamascaster to check signature.

Edition 1: Incorrect domain separator (Dadvisor)

“Domainsepator” is incorrectly calculated using Web3.Js. Ensure the code code is correct:


Const Domensepator = Ethers.KECCACA256 (


“0x”, // the sender’s address

… // additional addresses, e.g. “0x1234567890ABCDEF”, “0x234567890ABCEDF”, etc.




"Domainsepator" is calculated by combining the address of the sender with other addresses from a specific order. The correct order should be:

  • The sender's address

  • Network ID (eg, 4 for Ethereum)

  • A contract ID (if said)

Edition 2: Incorrect signature

The signature does not check, because it does not correctly sign the methamascus. Make sure you use the correctsign function and pass the necessary options:


Const tx = {

From: “0x …”, // the address of the sender

to: “0x …”, // the addressee address

Value: 10N, // the amount of transaction

Data: […, / additional data /], // optional data for contract


Const —semnăture = wait eéters.sign (


{Privatekey: “0x …”} // Metask Tai Private Private



Make sure you teach the right option "Privatekey" and use the "sign offered by Web3.Js.

Number 3: Insufficient private key

If you use a private key that is not enough to check, it may be necessary to add additional data or enter an error message. Make sure your private key is large enough to sign transactions:


Const tx = {

From: “0x …”, // the address of the sender

to: “0x …”, // the addressee address

Value: 10N, // the sum of the transaction


Try {

Const —semnăture = wait eéters.sign (


{Privatekey: “0x …”}


Console.log (“successful verification:”, signature);

} Catch (error) {

IF (Error error instance && error.message.include (“insufficiently private”) {

Throw a new error (“insufficient private verification key”;

} Else {

Throw an error;




Edition 4: Incorrect chain ID

If you use a different chain to be expected, make sure it is the right "chain". Web3.JS uses the default ID of the Ethereum chain (1). If necessary, you can enter your own chain ID:


Const tx = {

From: “0x …”, // the address of the sender

to: “0x …”, // the addressee address

Value: 10N, // the sum of the transaction


Try {

Const —semnatura = wait eéters.sign (


{Privatekey: “0x …”}


Console.log (“successful verification:”, signature);

} Catch (error) {

IF (Error error instance && eror.message.includes (“incorrect chain ID”)) {

Discard a new error (“ID ID ID incorrect for verification”;

} Else {

Throw an error;




Following these problems to solve the problems, you should be able to identify and solve the problems that cause a Metask signature verification failure. Make sure you check the size of the private key, the chain ID and ensure that all the necessary addresses are included in the “domesticator” calculation.

If you still have any problems trying to try these solutions, do not hesitate to give more details about your settings, including code scraps, error messages and any relevant metamark information and web3.js.

cryptocurrency decentralised

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